Question by Someone Else is trying to get suspended: Can you someone please help?
This is my essay on government surveillance:
As technology grows better and faster life in general is becoming more controlled. How? Go to a stoplight and you'll see cameras. Go to any store and you'll see cameras. Even on public buses and gasoline stations there are cameras. Google you or your parents' names on the Internet and something is bound to come up. The government can, with a legal warrant, go into your house and search your computer or anything else. Use your credit card and they can locate you instantly for whatever reason. Even cell phones have become a tracking device.
So ask your self, why all the cameras? Why all the suspicious surveillance? It is true that for the most part surveillance has increased because of terrorism and the rise in crime. The government cannot let any suspicious person or matter get past them for the fear of anther 9/11 attack, but what if there's another side to this? I am not saying that government is trying to slowly turn us into robots. I do not believe that and hopefully it is not true, but investing 50 million dollars in cameras for student surveillance in schools is a little absurd. So why did the government do it? I just happen to go to the best high school in Petaluma, California, with the best well-behaved kids and there are no cameras here. Can someone be trying to slowly take away our freedom? I do not know, but I know that this is not all because of terrorism.
Enter the National ID card or, a fancier name for it, the Real ID Act. The Real ID Act was a law passed in 2005 requesting that everyone in the U.S. have this special type if ID card which imposed certain security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and state ID cards, for them to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. What they mean by "official purposes" is that if you don't have it you will not be able to open a bank account, enter a federal building, ride a plane or train, and any state in the U.S. that chose not to have this card would have their citizens automatically turned into nonpersons. This ID card was voluntary. Fortunately, this law was not completely put into motion because the states opposed it.
This is not only in the United States. In the U.K, London has more than 150,000 cameras monitoring its population. Cameras do not stop crime or terrorism in any place. Police using technology to enforce laws is a lot different than using technology to "monitor a population". There is also this microchip called the RFID tag, which is a tiny microchip, inserted into animals just in case they get lost. Your pet might have one of these. Biologists use these as tracking devices for animals and to monitor their behaviors. It would not surprise me (and the government has talked about it) if a human were the next one to have this chip inserted into their body.
So in a sense the government is trying to control us or take away our freedom. We are not terrorists we are U.S. citizens. Some people might say that all this surveillance and monitoring is just for the safety of everyone but I for one feel uncomfortable about it. Maybe no one is really trying to take away our freedom but what if in the future things take a drastic turn and with the snap of a finger just control all our lives? I alone cannot change this situation but I know there are others with me who believe the same thing and all of us together can change it.
Can you please find a thesis for it because even though i wrote it i coudn't really put my finger on the thesis and could you please summerize it in like 3 sentences or more if you like.
you dont have to read it all just scan through it or something
that was very vague but thanks anyways
Best answer:
Answer by Kevin
not bad,,,kkkkkkkkk
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